Friday, August 2, 2019

What is Ebola virus? Let's analysis it's outbreak,causes and prevention


 What is Ebola virus? Let's analysis it's outbreak,causes and prevention

Fig: artists illustration image Ebola virus

Diseases caused by Ebola virus (Ebola virus disease), once known as hemorrhagic fever caused by Ebola virus (Ebola haemorrhagic fever), is likely to cause serious disease in humans death. Mortality due to Ebola virus disease (EVD) up to 90%. EVD disease was first detected in the remote villages in Central and West Africa, near the rainforest. Ebola virus first appeared in the Sudan and the Republic of Congo in 1976 In the Congo, the virus was detected in a riverside village Ebola, so they named Ebola virus. In Africa, fruit bats are considered the natural hosts of this virus.

2 How is Ebola virus  infect people ?

Consumption of eating flesh to outbreak virus

Ebola virus transmission from animals to people in close contact with the blood, secretions of infected animals. In Africa, the virus spread when healthy people come into contact with animals such as chimpanzees, gorilla, fruit bats, monkeys, antelope and porcupines illness, death or other animals in the rainforest.

The Ebola virus is transmitted from person to person by direct contact with blood, body secretions (feces, urine, saliva, semen) of patients, or scratches on the skin or mucous membranes of healthy people exposed to environments contaminated with infected secretions virus (clothes, bed sheets or contaminated needles used)

The medical staff are at risk of Ebola virus infection when caring for patients or suspected of having the disease without applying appropriate protective measures. Medical staff should be equipped with basic knowledge of the disease, transmission routes and strict adherence to infection control measures were recommended.

What is Objects which have high risk of getting this virus ?

Physical contract with sick people or family member

In an outbreak of viral hemorrhagic fever caused by Ebola virus, the following subjects at high risk of virus infection include:

A family member or close contact with sick people;

People go to the funeral in direct contact with dead bodies by the Ebola virus;

Hunters who come into contact with infected animals died from the Ebola virus in the woods;

Medical staff.

4 So what is the identification signs and symptoms of Ebola virus ?

The disease caused by the Ebola virus usually appears in the following symptoms: sudden fever, fatigue, myalgia, headache, sore throat. This is followed by nausea, diarrhea, rash, kidney failure, liver failure. Several cases of bleeding in the internal organs and external bleeding. The incubation period is from 2 to 21 days.

Patients likely to spread disease once symptoms begin to appear.

5 When should I go to the health department?

You should immediately go to the health department if you live in an area with the disease caused by the Ebola virus or by contact with infected or suspected Ebola virus and begin to see the appearance of disease symptoms.

Any suspected cases of any disease should be notified immediately to the nearest health agencies and medical care to reduce the risk of death.We need to control the spread of the disease and take immediate measures to prevent infection.

Prevention of Ebola virus

There is no vaccine Ebola virus disease. Raising awareness about the risk factors of the disease and preventive measures for people today is the only method to reduce the number of cases and deaths.

Because Ebola virus is transmitted from person to person, the following measures can be taken to prevent infection and limit or cut the transmission line:

- Understand the characteristics of the disease, transmission, and disease prevention measures.

- If you suspect someone infected with Ebola virus, should encourage and help them to care and treatment in health facilities.

- If you intend to care for patients with Ebola virus at home, notify the medical staff to provide gloves, personal protective means and instructions on how to care for patients, to protect the themselves and their families from infection, destroying vehicles after use.

- When visiting patients in the hospital or nursing home, wash your hands with soap or antiseptic after contact with the patient, or contact with body fluids or touching objects of the disease.

- Need to avoid contact with high-risk animals Ebola virus infection as fruit bats, monkeys, or apes … in tropical forest areas.

- Do not slaughter animals suspected of being infected.

- Meat and animal secretions should be thoroughly cooked before eating.

- Travellers should avoid contact with sick people. If each of these places there are new cases notified, should be monitored to see if they develop a symptom of disease, and the medical facility immediately if there is the first sign of disease.

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