Monday, August 12, 2019

7 such benefits to Jammu- Kashmir after removing Article 370


7 such benefits to Jammu- Kashmir after removing Article 370

7 such benefits to Jammu- Kashmir after removing Article 370
Fig:Kashmir dal lake

Eventually, after the 370  withdrawal, the Kashmir Valley ended corruption and separatist ideology.  According to the figures, since 1989, 1 lakh locals and more than 45000 soldiers have been martyred. In the days following the removal of Article 370, peace is expected in the valley.

7 such benefits to Jammu- Kashmir after removing Article 370
National security adviser (NSA)mr.ajit dhoval

After the abolition of Articles 370 and 35A, the Central Government is constantly trying to relieve the tension in the valley and bring the common people into the mainstream.  Recently, National Security Advisor Mr. Ajit Dhowal visited the valley, visited Ground Zero in Shopia district of Kashmir and interacted with people.

7 such benefits to Jammu- Kashmir after removing Article 370
Islamic females at the public place

Equal rights for women

Due to Article 35A, the women of Jammu and Kashmir had double standards in the law.  Under this, if a woman of the valley was married to an outsider for some reason, then she would lose her citizenship.  After the end of 35 A it has become history. Now this is the right thing

7 such benefits to Jammu- Kashmir after removing Article 370

Abolition of Sharia law
. After the abolition of Article 370, the 70-year-old orthodox law imposed by the secessionist leader and anti-national party will come to an end.
7 such benefits to Jammu- Kashmir after removing Article 370

Growth in tourism sectors 

.  The tourism sector was at a very low level in terms of security in the Kashmir Valley, due to political tensions and terrorist attacks, after 370, internal tensions have come down considerably, due to which the country is expected to become the center of tourism of foreign people.

Infrastructure and business growth
 Due to Article 370, the Kashmir Valley was getting hampered as it is no longer the way many companies are showing their interest.
7 such benefits to Jammu- Kashmir after removing Article 370
Teenager with their parents

New opportunities for work for Kashmiri people.

  Due to regional tension and separatist policy, the youth of the valley were unemployed due to which they would join the anti-national movement.  Some people fight against the troop for small amount of money 'Hopefully there will be peace in the valley due to employment opportunities.
7 such benefits to Jammu- Kashmir after removing Article 370

Reduction in terrorist attacks

  With the center.  Direct contact will be directly strengthened in the security system, before the anti-national element used to benefit the Antichrist a lot when now it will be a paranoia.  Follow us and comment for similar news.
7 such benefits to Jammu- Kashmir after removing Article 370
Fig:bramha caste ,Hindu culture

resettlement Kashmir's pandits

Due to colonial riot and hardliners,lots of brahma family killed by local militant thus migrated in 1989 onward.after the end of 370 they will meet their Descendant and resettlement their lives.

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